To say that the 21st century is the best is incorrect . Although the financial progress , the technology evolution and many more developments , we have managed to go to another planet . Stll , we can't accept our own character .
Due to the fact that we pass our days without really living is the source of every single problem . The social distancing taught us many things about us , our families and inter-human relations . The quarantine has just passed, but the virus is still hear !
During the quarantined we did focus on ourselves, promise to change and all those thoughts . Nonetheless , now , that the quarantine is over , we have started doing nothing to improve the whole situation .
Thus , we should start by fixing ourselves . All we need is to find those aspects of our personality that we cannot accept and embrace them . It's our body , ourself and our live . Changing our appearance is a part of the plan as well . Every "inner" decision can be depicted on our body and face .
Τhe following thing we should take into account is our relations and relationships . Having found yourself means that you are ready to accept and embrace the others . There's no need to be bold to them • love and acceptance is what we need most .
To sum it all up , it must be admitted that every single thing starts from our own hurt and from the way we see other people . Remember that everything that has to do with our society is utterly connected with our actions. If you wanna take love , give love !
